
Where are the restaurant and dining workers?

So, I'm well aware that “no one wants to work” is the passive-aggressive sob story for crappy employers (particularly in the food/restaurant biz) who aren't putting forth the effort to get and keep staff, but I'm genuinely curious as to what/where people who used to work restaurant & dining jobs are working now, if at all? Restaurants closing or posting signs about understaffing seems so widespread right now and that it creates the perception that a significant sector of the workforce just disappeared overnight. I'm also particularly curious about what teens are doing now, since fast food joints are one of their few work options, so it's not like there's an abundance of other jobs that they would be qualified for… I'm sure there's a combination of things at play here, so I want to know how other people are looking at it. [Sorry in advance if this is the…

So, I'm well aware that “no one wants to work” is the passive-aggressive sob story for crappy employers (particularly in the food/restaurant biz) who aren't putting forth the effort to get and keep staff, but I'm genuinely curious as to what/where people who used to work restaurant & dining jobs are working now, if at all?

Restaurants closing or posting signs about understaffing seems so widespread right now and that it creates the perception that a significant sector of the workforce just disappeared overnight.

I'm also particularly curious about what teens are doing now, since fast food joints are one of their few work options, so it's not like there's an abundance of other jobs that they would be qualified for…

I'm sure there's a combination of things at play here, so I want to know how other people are looking at it.

[Sorry in advance if this is the wrong subreddit, I didn't want to post somewhere that might garner responses from corporate apologists].

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