
where tf do I go now?

I've had my fair share of jobs to include warehouse work, corrections and building palletizers but I always find myself back in a restaurant because for some odd reason, besides being an officer of course, it pays the best. Now I'm at a more upscale restaurant instead of a typical chain thinking it was gonna be cool, wash dishes and work my way up but no. They completely ignored all of my experience on the line, somehow says I'm slow with Oreo even though I'm done on record time everyday but two others who were hired after me got promoted before me… Because they had experience too. Just less than I. Idk what to do or where to go this is my 4th job in a year and I'm miserable, I can't find the will to make the situation better not can I find the strength. I'm falling into depression…

I've had my fair share of jobs to include warehouse work, corrections and building palletizers but I always find myself back in a restaurant because for some odd reason, besides being an officer of course, it pays the best. Now I'm at a more upscale restaurant instead of a typical chain thinking it was gonna be cool, wash dishes and work my way up but no. They completely ignored all of my experience on the line, somehow says I'm slow with Oreo even though I'm done on record time everyday but two others who were hired after me got promoted before me… Because they had experience too. Just less than I. Idk what to do or where to go this is my 4th job in a year and I'm miserable, I can't find the will to make the situation better not can I find the strength. I'm falling into depression and it's affecting my marriage now and even my wife can't help. Fuck capitalism and fuck America

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