
where to find good work life balance with good pay??

Mainly just the title. I posted earlier yesterday. After my interview today and yesterday I was wondering. Why are places paying so little under liveable wage or barely any amount of money, then complaining when they don't have staff and people end up quitting? Wouldn't it make more sense to pay people more and then just have staff stay on for longer than have people just quit after a few months and having to find all new staff? A little back ground. I work in the service industry back of house and want to find that sweet spot between work life balance. Where I have time to play make enough money to live and also have good wage. I assume that's many people's dreams. So I was wondering is it just my field of work that cares so little about employees or is it just restaurants and corporations that care…

Mainly just the title. I posted earlier yesterday. After my interview today and yesterday I was wondering. Why are places paying so little under liveable wage or barely any amount of money, then complaining when they don't have staff and people end up quitting?

Wouldn't it make more sense to pay people more and then just have staff stay on for longer than have people just quit after a few months and having to find all new staff?

A little back ground. I work in the service industry back of house and want to find that sweet spot between work life balance. Where I have time to play make enough money to live and also have good wage. I assume that's many people's dreams. So I was wondering is it just my field of work that cares so little about employees or is it just restaurants and corporations that care little to none at all and if so are there blue collar jobs out there where I don't have to go back to college to find good work that pays for what I look for? A balance between work and play?

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