
Who else ?

Am I the only one who notices at every job there’s that lazy guy at work and then you get put to do all the work ? I was doing valet at Audi and had to do every fucking thing by myself while the other valet guy would sit on his phone all day , PLUS I had to drive and hour and 10 mins to and from work everyday just to be the only one doing all the work oh and don’t forget getting fucking donuts and shit for the boss , I quit I ain’t no fucking slave

Am I the only one who notices at every job there’s that lazy guy at work and then you get put to do all the work ? I was doing valet at Audi and had to do every fucking thing by myself while the other valet guy would sit on his phone all day , PLUS I had to drive and hour and 10 mins to and from work everyday just to be the only one doing all the work oh and don’t forget getting fucking donuts and shit for the boss , I quit I ain’t no fucking slave

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