
Who else is sick of coworkers with an attitude

It’s always the girls just literally always. So this new girl thinks she the ish now because they taught her more than me. I guess the owner figured since I almost quit due to bullying she needed to hire back up. This new girl was humble when I first got there but now she’s acting like she’s all that and when I told her about the mistreatment I received there she takes the shift leaders side. I had to hear the dreaded question for the 90’th time. “Do you have a problem remembering stuff?” It all started with the manager asking me that. Like I was dealing with a crisis in my life and almost passed. The manager was the first to bully me and she gossiped. She used to blow up at me with rage and then this other girl switched up on me. Now all I hear is…

It’s always the girls just literally always. So this new girl thinks she the ish now because they taught her more than me. I guess the owner figured since I almost quit due to bullying she needed to hire back up. This new girl was humble when I first got there but now she’s acting like she’s all that and when I told her about the mistreatment I received there she takes the shift leaders side. I had to hear the dreaded question for the 90’th time. “Do you have a problem remembering stuff?” It all started with the manager asking me that.
Like I was dealing with a crisis in my life and almost passed. The manager was the first to bully me and she gossiped. She used to blow up at me with rage and then this other girl switched up on me. Now all I hear is “do you have trouble retaining Information?” I don’t have trouble JOBS EXPECT SO MUCH. I had posted before how they HALF trained me and then LITERALLY just like EXPECTED me to know all that in only 3 LITERAL HOURS OF TRAINING. This new girl is talking ish about me and she’s starting to take sides. All the women ganged up on me. I only had an issue with one guy but that’s because he was trying to flirt and I wasn’t having any of that. Then the new girl came in with an attitude. She figures since she had a bad day she’s gonna make my day miserable. It’s like I could the smirk on her face when she said that little remark of asking if I have trouble remembering things. She look like she was satisfied to hurt someone that day. Just because God made me skinny does not mean I am weak.

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