
Who’s in the right here?

Recently my supervisor said that me asking for over time and asking to leave early some other days is not working out even tho she's authorized it every time and when she doesn't I respectfully say okay and go back to work. She also consistently asks me to cover other employees shifts sometimes on my days off. Am I in the wrong here to be frustrated? I'm the only full time employee in my designated group and I'm only making twelve dollars an hour. To me it seems like a case of wanting your cake and eating it to. Cover other people to help fill her schedule gaps but getting irritated when I politely ask for some extra hours or to leave an hour early to car pool and save some gas money.

Recently my supervisor said that me asking for over time and asking to leave early some other days is not working out even tho she's authorized it every time and when she doesn't I respectfully say okay and go back to work. She also consistently asks me to cover other employees shifts sometimes on my days off. Am I in the wrong here to be frustrated? I'm the only full time employee in my designated group and I'm only making twelve dollars an hour. To me it seems like a case of wanting your cake and eating it to. Cover other people to help fill her schedule gaps but getting irritated when I politely ask for some extra hours or to leave an hour early to car pool and save some gas money.

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