
Why am I not worthy of a living wage?

Just needed to rant somewhere. Why is it so hard to find a job that pays a livable wage? I don't get it. I'm smart, I work hard, I'm polite, I have a bachelor's in psychology (maybe not the most marketable but come on, it should be better than nothing). I also have a medical coding certificate that I've never even gotten to use yet. Why are the only jobs willing to hire me full of red flags and pay $12 an hour? I just want to give up at life.

Just needed to rant somewhere. Why is it so hard to find a job that pays a livable wage? I don't get it. I'm smart, I work hard, I'm polite, I have a bachelor's in psychology (maybe not the most marketable but come on, it should be better than nothing). I also have a medical coding certificate that I've never even gotten to use yet. Why are the only jobs willing to hire me full of red flags and pay $12 an hour? I just want to give up at life.

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