
Why are people here so afraid of ex-employers?

I've seen so many posts on this sub where people ask “is two weeks notice enough?” Or “I'm not sure how to quit my job, I don't want to make my toxic manager mad” or “former workplace contacted me about paperwork” Let's clarify the situation- I'm not sure in other countries but in America you don't owe these people anything. 2 weeks is a courtesy if you don't want to burn your bridges in case you ever want to go back. Beyond that, you don't have to tell them anything beforehand if you're going to quit. Just don't show up one day. Tell them you quit if you want. Once your employer is no longer paying you money, they aren't shit to you anymore. They have no power over you. Break the mental bondage that an employer or manager is any sort of authority figure outside the transaction of paying…

I've seen so many posts on this sub where people ask “is two weeks notice enough?” Or “I'm not sure how to quit my job, I don't want to make my toxic manager mad” or “former workplace contacted me about paperwork”

Let's clarify the situation- I'm not sure in other countries but in America you don't owe these people anything. 2 weeks is a courtesy if you don't want to burn your bridges in case you ever want to go back. Beyond that, you don't have to tell them anything beforehand if you're going to quit. Just don't show up one day. Tell them you quit if you want.

Once your employer is no longer paying you money, they aren't shit to you anymore. They have no power over you. Break the mental bondage that an employer or manager is any sort of authority figure outside the transaction of paying you money for work.

I've rarely ever heard of future employers contacting former employers, but if you want to quit because it sucks so bad anyway, I doubt they would have anything positive to say anyway.

Fuck your toxic employers. They are not authority figures. Don't see them as superior or like you are not on equal footing to them. So much of the employer / employee relationship is built on the tacit subordination of the employee. Like you allow them to be your boss mentally. Therefore the bosses just get away with everything.

We need to stop bowing to these people, and stand up for our collective dignity.

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