
Why are people not fucking furious?

The train wreck in Ohio, and the fact a a railroad strike got shut down by someone as high as the president. These corporations have way too much power and it’s legitimately frightening. We need to rally behind the railroad strike and seriously start doing something before they start thinking they can just get away with anything. Half a million people are striking in the UK and they have better working conditions than we do. Why are we putting up with this shit? When are we going to say enough is enough, and do something about it? We need an organized movement, this has to end. They can’t keep fucking up our lives just to make record profits and line shareholder pockets. Edit: added wiki link. Ohio train wreck

The train wreck in Ohio, and the fact a a railroad strike got shut down by someone as high as the president.

These corporations have way too much power and it’s legitimately frightening.

We need to rally behind the railroad strike and seriously start doing something before they start thinking they can just get away with anything.

Half a million people are striking in the UK and they have better working conditions than we do. Why are we putting up with this shit?

When are we going to say enough is enough, and do something about it? We need an organized movement, this has to end. They can’t keep fucking up our lives just to make record profits and line shareholder pockets.

Edit: added wiki link.

Ohio train wreck

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