
Why are so many members of management just huge assholes?

So I was unemployed for like two months and I wasn't having much luck finding new work. I left my old factory job for another place in shipping and receiving because I didn't care for the 10 hour days, mandatory 6 days a week job. The software at my new job was from the early 70's. I consider myself computer competent, I build my own rigs, I am tech support for my family, I set up all the new phones and printers, you know what I mean. This software was so much of a pain in the ass that I quit over it. The new owner was trying to say that they wanted upgrade in the future and I was like, every single computer and department uses the same software, it's going to be years before you upgrade and it's going to be slow and painful, no thanks. Tried doing…

So I was unemployed for like two months and I wasn't having much luck finding new work. I left my old factory job for another place in shipping and receiving because I didn't care for the 10 hour days, mandatory 6 days a week job.

The software at my new job was from the early 70's. I consider myself computer competent, I build my own rigs, I am tech support for my family, I set up all the new phones and printers, you know what I mean. This software was so much of a pain in the ass that I quit over it. The new owner was trying to say that they wanted upgrade in the future and I was like, every single computer and department uses the same software, it's going to be years before you upgrade and it's going to be slow and painful, no thanks.

Tried doing DoorDash and InstaCart for awhile, I don't know who thinks it's cool to pay someone $16 to drive an hour and a half away to drop off groceries, but I wasn't biting.

I have a little over a decade of experience in custodial work, mostly in floor care and maintenance. Well some place was looking for a floor guy and I applied. Apparently it had been a shit show there and they had cleared house, so they needed new folks and fast.

I've been working there for roughly two weeks now and the folks I work with are great, but the management is huge assholes. Today my breaks went out on me an hour outside of my area, another janitor was puking their guts out and a third had a viral infection.

I never said I was calling out, I simply texted management to let them know what had happened and that I'd get to work as soon as I could.

Turns out management also texted all three of us and told us if any of us “called out” again, we would be fired. Now we are all pissed off, talking about finding new work, or even approaching the place we clean about just hiring us on as in-house janitors instead of using the company that they contracted out to. It wouldn't be too hard because besides ordering supplies, all of the tools and stuff are owned by the place I clean.

I had already told the owner (at the interview) I drive my Mother to and from work and that my Grandmother was in a nursing home sick, that if I get a call being told she's dying, I am dropping anything I am doing to rush my Mother and I to my Grandmother's side, would they have fired me if I couldn't have made it in today? According to my Lead, the answer is “Yes”.

Why do I enjoy janitorial? Because it's supposed to be a laid back, low stakes job. Maybe what happened today wasn't ideal, but management sure has an awful way of trying to retain new, experienced employees.

I'm already looking for new work and when I get a new job, I'm not even telling them I quit. You don't get to treat me like shit when you aren't even paying me $15.00 an hour.

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