
why are so many proud of putting in long hours and working themselves to death?

I usually see this in the over 40 crowd. I too am over 40 but don't do more than needed so I can go on with my life and be a father and husband. A lot of these workaholics worked while their kids grew up and were raised by daycares and latchkey. I also noticed a lot of these kids are pushed into extracurricular activities simply because mom and dad are working whether the kids enjoy them or not. That doesn't sound like a good family life to me.

I usually see this in the over 40 crowd. I too am over 40 but don't do more than needed so I can go on with my life and be a father and husband. A lot of these workaholics worked while their kids grew up and were raised by daycares and latchkey. I also noticed a lot of these kids are pushed into extracurricular activities simply because mom and dad are working whether the kids enjoy them or not. That doesn't sound like a good family life to me.

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