
Why are we afraid to call out big corp?

It still feels like there's a huge stigma for directly naming big corps when it comes to bad behaviors. I understand there's things like slander and defamation but when a company does it to themselves let's say via a job posting, are we still not allowed to call them out publicly? Another thing I generally tend to see is low level employees really defending a company that's either screwing them over or isn't doing anything outside of providing a paycheck. Why be that defensive if you gain nothing? Maybe it's just me? Thoughts?

It still feels like there's a huge stigma for directly naming big corps when it comes to bad behaviors. I understand there's things like slander and defamation but when a company does it to themselves let's say via a job posting, are we still not allowed to call them out publicly?

Another thing I generally tend to see is low level employees really defending a company that's either screwing them over or isn't doing anything outside of providing a paycheck. Why be that defensive if you gain nothing?

Maybe it's just me? Thoughts?

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