
“why are you out of the lab? A bit early for a break isn’t it?”

I’m just so stunned right now. I’m an intern making £3.50 an hour, getting experience in a laboratory environment. In the lab 8 hours a day. We can’t bring water in here so we often go to the kitchen to take a quick drink before being back in the lab. Today the office manager (not my direct manager mind, he’s great) saw me leave the lab at 10:30 after being in there since 8 and asked, “why are you out of the lab? A bit early for a break isn’t it?” Like. I need a drink? I’ve been working over a flame all day it’s decently warm in there and I’ve not stopped until now. She got huffy and walked back up to her office with a GLASS OF WATER she just got from the same kitchen I was entering. I’m not even making minimum wage, this experience will be…

I’m just so stunned right now. I’m an intern making £3.50 an hour, getting experience in a laboratory environment. In the lab 8 hours a day. We can’t bring water in here so we often go to the kitchen to take a quick drink before being back in the lab. Today the office manager (not my direct manager mind, he’s great) saw me leave the lab at 10:30 after being in there since 8 and asked, “why are you out of the lab? A bit early for a break isn’t it?” Like. I need a drink? I’ve been working over a flame all day it’s decently warm in there and I’ve not stopped until now. She got huffy and walked back up to her office with a GLASS OF WATER she just got from the same kitchen I was entering. I’m not even making minimum wage, this experience will be worth it. Everyone else is great but it just feels like a slap to the face.

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