
Why are you still calling people honey and sweetie

I don’t like establishing hierarchical relationships whenever possible and try not to use these terms with other people. Some people will say oh come on it’s a term of endearment: well I don’t need to be endeared to and especially not in the workplace. I went for a job interview yesterday and one of the professionals helping connect me with the hiring manager when I arrived said “you’re welcome honey” as I was leaving. I would potentially be working with/for that person and it just gives me “yuck vibes” to think they would continue talking like that

I don’t like establishing hierarchical relationships whenever possible and try not to use these terms with other people. Some people will say oh come on it’s a term of endearment: well I don’t need to be endeared to and especially not in the workplace. I went for a job interview yesterday and one of the professionals helping connect me with the hiring manager when I arrived said “you’re welcome honey” as I was leaving. I would potentially be working with/for that person and it just gives me “yuck vibes” to think they would continue talking like that

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