
Why Can’t I Just Suck it tf up and Work?

I, like so many of you, have never enjoyed the concept of having to work for what is essentially your entire life. I think it's bullshit and while I am not a suicidal person, I hate this life is and how it's 'supposed' to be lived. Any job I've had, I find myself going through the same bullshit cycle. Get a job > excited for new opportunity > realize job is a BS waste of time or I just simply don't enjoy it (I fear this will be the case for most of my life) > find loopholes to get out of doing work for 8 hours (WHO THE ACTUAL FUCK WORKS FOR 8 HOURS STRAIGHT AND WHY AM I EXPECTED TO) > lose almost all motivation to excel in job > keep finding loopholes > lose job or move onto the next one. Rinse and repeat. I am now…

I, like so many of you, have never enjoyed the concept of having to work for what is essentially your entire life. I think it's bullshit and while I am not a suicidal person, I hate this life is and how it's 'supposed' to be lived.

Any job I've had, I find myself going through the same bullshit cycle. Get a job > excited for new opportunity > realize job is a BS waste of time or I just simply don't enjoy it (I fear this will be the case for most of my life) > find loopholes to get out of doing work for 8 hours (WHO THE ACTUAL FUCK WORKS FOR 8 HOURS STRAIGHT AND WHY AM I EXPECTED TO) > lose almost all motivation to excel in job > keep finding loopholes > lose job or move onto the next one. Rinse and repeat.

I am now onto my 3rd job in the past 3 years. I lost my last one due to 'time theft' (I would get all of my work and then some done in 4 hours then just do bullshit for the last 4, they were not happy with this) and it paid really friggin well, I still kick myself in the ass for losing that because it was a good gig since it was fully remote and paid REALLY well….like REALLY well it was just the same mundane task all day every day and it just got so ridiculously boring that I simply didn't care to take my time with it. Anyway, here I am now getting paid $3 less than what I was at the last gig with a 25 minute commute and zero motivation to quite literally do ANYTHING. There's a stack of papers next to me that need to be reviewed, documents that need to be drafted and a meeting in 4 hours that I need to prepare for yet here I am typing this.

Most of my days are spent scrolling Reddit on the company computer, literally typing this on it as we speak, and I simply do not care. This gig is the top job that relates to my degree (another waste of 5 years) and actually gets my foot in the door for a career path that I was genuinely interested when I took a class in it in college (Quality Control). I'm not even a month and a half in and I'm losing all motivation to do anything here than the bare minimum. What the fuck is wrong with me? Will I never be happy or content in a company that I work for? I've already started to look for different jobs when I haven't even given this one a chance.

I plan on leaving the city I'm currently in and moving somewhere out of state in the next year or two. That could be the biggest reason for my total loss of motivation but I don't know. Let's hope I eventually get somewhere I can be happy….

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