
Why can’t we enjoy life like the rich?

I don't know if this is a rant or an opinion so i let you decide. The rich have money which they could't spend in dozen lifetimes. So they don't have to be crushed in long and hard work days and loose their health when they are in retirement age or even sooner. They can live off the most healthy food there is and get the best medical treatment science has to offer and with money they can pretty much solve all problems and live nearly stress-free. Today i have time off so i decided to ride with the bicycle in this summer day when nearly everybody of us folks are at work or school or whatnot. Naturally i didn't see many people on the streets. So it crossed my mind that rich folks can enjoy life as they please with their obscene wealth. This made me jealous. Even if…

I don't know if this is a rant or an opinion so i let you decide.

The rich have money which they could't spend in dozen lifetimes. So they don't have to be crushed in long and hard work days and loose their health when they are in retirement age or even sooner. They can live off the most healthy food there is and get the best medical treatment science has to offer and with money they can pretty much solve all problems and live nearly stress-free.

Today i have time off so i decided to ride with the bicycle in this summer day when nearly everybody of us folks are at work or school or whatnot. Naturally i didn't see many people on the streets. So it crossed my mind that rich folks can enjoy life as they please with their obscene wealth. This made me jealous. Even if i have time off i still have to think of which bills could come unexpectedly and if i have enough savings or not. I mean i don't want private jets, yachts, trips overseas and so forth. I only want to live the short life everybody has without much worrying of billls. Not like kings but only stress-free. I don't need much from a consumerism perspective. I mean we have only this short life and everybody dies.

The GDP keeps growing, the gap between rich and poor keeps widening more exponentially. The rich take more and more perverse features. I don't want to think in which level they are in .

Edit: i am not against being wealthy i am only against the fact there are few people which hoard wealth like crazy and everybody else has to live like slaves. Like could they not milk us folks a little less thus lower their greediness a little bit? They don't have to be poor again, only a little bit less greediness. Is it really too much to ask? Why do they hoard evermore wealth? Every one of us dies so they can't take it to the grave, it doesn't benefit them when they die. Wealth is only useful when living and it would relief us folks a little bit when we are in the short timespan we call life.

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