
Why did this guy contact me?

Was on LinkedIn and this guy from the job I quit end of 2022 added me and messaged me out of the blue. He says that he sees I am looking for work and that I should consider company X as they are good to work for and pay well. (The company I had JUST quit from.) I told him that we had actually met ( I was a manager and he was a line cook) and that I had quit that job the same week I started. His next message to me was that he too had quit because they were so dysfunctional. I showed the messages to my wife and we could not figure out WTF this guy was angling for. Anybody here have any ideas? I can post the convo in the comments if anyone is interested. Completely baffled why this dude messaged me.

Was on LinkedIn and this guy from the job I quit end of 2022 added me and messaged me out of the blue.

He says that he sees I am looking for work and that I should consider company X as they are good to work for and pay well. (The company I had JUST quit from.)

I told him that we had actually met ( I was a manager and he was a line cook) and that I had quit that job the same week I started.

His next message to me was that he too had quit because they were so dysfunctional.

I showed the messages to my wife and we could not figure out WTF this guy was angling for.

Anybody here have any ideas? I can post the convo in the comments if anyone is interested. Completely baffled why this dude messaged me.

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