
Why do at-will companies still take escalated steps to fire you? (Rant/ advice)

I started working a new job not even 60 days ago and put in my first HR complaint in my life due to my direct supervisors accusations of me being rude / offensive. For context I work as a line cook and have been accused of yelling when announcing the last of something / asking them for something since it’s out on the line (I.e: plates / garnishes). This lastest time was being told to “not ever” say “I love it” again. I was clear in my email to HR stating I only want it documented and would like to have it documented in case it escalates. These incidents conveniently happens when the supervisor above us both is on her weekend. Fast forward to not even a week after my complaint, I get two write ups in one sitting over unrelated, petty incidents. I can’t help but feel this is…

I started working a new job not even 60 days ago and put in my first HR complaint in my life due to my direct supervisors accusations of me being rude / offensive. For context I work as a line cook and have been accused of yelling when announcing the last of something / asking them for something since it’s out on the line (I.e: plates / garnishes). This lastest time was being told to “not ever” say “I love it” again. I was clear in my email to HR stating I only want it documented and would like to have it documented in case it escalates. These incidents conveniently happens when the supervisor above us both is on her weekend.

Fast forward to not even a week after my complaint, I get two write ups in one sitting over unrelated, petty incidents. I can’t help but feel this is in retaliation to my complaint.

If they are an at-will company why not just fire me? There is no probation period I was made aware of, but even then, they’d still have to pay unemployment in my state.

Has anyone else experienced this?

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