
Why do companies think we care about the “culture?”

Throwaway account obviously so I can bitch about work in peace. I’m so sick and tired of companies forcing us back to office because of the “culture.” I don’t give a fuck about the people I work with, I don’t care what their job is and I don’t even care how it relates to mine. Corporate “culture” is just sitting at a desk for 40 hours of our lives watching the world go by wishing you were one of the people who drive by your building while your manager has nothing better to do than watch YOU. It’s a bunch of fake and exhausting small talk about nothing. I’m so sick of companies claiming they give a damn about their employees when they purposefully ignore what we really want which is to WFH. I don’t know how anyone on earth would rather waste away in an office building their entire…

Throwaway account obviously so I can bitch about work in peace. I’m so sick and tired of companies forcing us back to office because of the “culture.” I don’t give a fuck about the people I work with, I don’t care what their job is and I don’t even care how it relates to mine.

Corporate “culture” is just sitting at a desk for 40 hours of our lives watching the world go by wishing you were one of the people who drive by your building while your manager has nothing better to do than watch YOU. It’s a bunch of fake and exhausting small talk about nothing. I’m so sick of companies claiming they give a damn about their employees when they purposefully ignore what we really want which is to WFH.

I don’t know how anyone on earth would rather waste away in an office building their entire lives instead of being at home. Yeah some people don’t like their home lives but why does that have to be our problem? I’m so sick of this shit and I’m rage applying to other jobs right now lol

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