
Why do hiring managers force-change your schedule

I’m a full time college student and I have a load of assignments so I can really only do a few days and hours. I went to this fast food job interview and told them I could only do Monday Wednesday and Friday from 6am-12pm and they were like oh well what’s your schedule for Tuesday Thursday, and I’d tell them, and she’d be like ok so we can fit this shift right here then. I understand my original hours weren’t alot but again as a college student I really don’t want or need any added stress?

I’m a full time college student and I have a load of assignments so I can really only do a few days and hours. I went to this fast food job interview and told them I could only do Monday Wednesday and Friday from 6am-12pm and they were like oh well what’s your schedule for Tuesday Thursday, and I’d tell them, and she’d be like ok so we can fit this shift right here then. I understand my original hours weren’t alot but again as a college student I really don’t want or need any added stress?

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