
WHy do I have to work 3 jobs to make a livable wage?

I (18 NB) am trying to save up to move out by the summer. I have 3 jobs, (2 dance teaching jobs and a job at my local gaming cafe). With that, I am barely making enough to potentially afford rent in the future. I am working 45 hours a week with 1 day off if I am lucky and I am exhausted. When will this change I STG.

I (18 NB) am trying to save up to move out by the summer. I have 3 jobs, (2 dance teaching jobs and a job at my local gaming cafe). With that, I am barely making enough to potentially afford rent in the future. I am working 45 hours a week with 1 day off if I am lucky and I am exhausted. When will this change I STG.

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