
Why do managers make out life hell if they are also not capital owners?

Im having my first performance review with my new manager/boss and I fully expect her to deride me and demean me and tell me I dont deserve a wage that keeps up with rising CPI. It feels hopeless being at the mercy of such a terrible person. Then I wonder how did we get here? Why am I alone without a union or support going into a one on one meeting every year where I will be gaslit like I always have been with this person and told that I need to give more labor. Is it school? This feels like school where im at the mercy of a teacher and grades. Is it that the capitalista figured out that playing these mind games can reduce costs but buy more labor? Am i going to be demeaned my whole life unless i climb the ladder and demean someone else? I…

Im having my first performance review with my new manager/boss and I fully expect her to deride me and demean me and tell me I dont deserve a wage that keeps up with rising CPI. It feels hopeless being at the mercy of such a terrible person.

Then I wonder how did we get here? Why am I alone without a union or support going into a one on one meeting every year where I will be gaslit like I always have been with this person and told that I need to give more labor.

Is it school? This feels like school where im at the mercy of a teacher and grades. Is it that the capitalista figured out that playing these mind games can reduce costs but buy more labor? Am i going to be demeaned my whole life unless i climb the ladder and demean someone else?

I just want to be fired not strung along. I know I need healthcare so I cant quit but if I get fired I think I would be more ok with loosing my healthcare and dying of my cancer if/when it returns. I dont like living like this.

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