
Why do people ask “do you have anything to add” during meetings?

In my opinion it is always ill intentioned, but I want to see if others feel the same. I was in a meeting today that I likely shouldn’t have been. The discussion was way over my head and outside of my expertise. A lot of data discussion when I work in media relations. Me and 2 other colleagues didn’t contribute much if anything. As the meeting ended and everyone was saying “farewell”, one person ( not my boss & doesn’t work in my dept.) asked “[insert my name] You haven’t really said anything, do you have anything to add?” Obviously if I had something to say I would have. I just said “no, have a good day”. Just curious why people do this, why I was the only one called out, and how to get around situations like this in the future. Particularly when the content is over my head…

In my opinion it is always ill intentioned, but I want to see if others feel the same.

I was in a meeting today that I likely shouldn’t have been. The discussion was way over my head and outside of my expertise. A lot of data discussion when I work in media relations.

Me and 2 other colleagues didn’t contribute much if anything. As the meeting ended and everyone was saying “farewell”, one person ( not my boss & doesn’t work in my dept.) asked

“[insert my name] You haven’t really said anything, do you have anything to add?”

Obviously if I had something to say I would have. I just said “no, have a good day”.

Just curious why people do this, why I was the only one called out, and how to get around situations like this in the future. Particularly when the content is over my head and hard to follow.

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