
Why do people still not get it

Your contract is for 10 hours. You get paid x amount of money per hour and you get x amount of money for the tasks you’re stipulated to do. Recently in my company my colleagues all act like the profits they accrue for the company goes directly to them or something. They just saved about 90k $ that would’ve got wasted recently and people were feeling so accomplished as if they are personally getting a payday because of it even though there wasn’t one congrats or anything. So weird to be the only one doing the bare minimum which happens to be exactly what’s stipulated in my contract.

Your contract is for 10 hours. You get paid x amount of money per hour and you get x amount of money for the tasks you’re stipulated to do.

Recently in my company my colleagues all act like the profits they accrue for the company goes directly to them or something.

They just saved about 90k $ that would’ve got wasted recently and people were feeling so accomplished as if they are personally getting a payday because of it even though there wasn’t one congrats or anything.

So weird to be the only one doing the bare minimum which happens to be exactly what’s stipulated in my contract.

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