
Why do people think “business owner” means ethical?

This probably isn’t the best sub to ask this, because most of y’all know they are not. But it seems that the privileged people of the world naturally assume that if someone owns a business they are ethical and I don’t understand it. A compounding pharmacy sent me some expired medication, I called to try to fix it and they blew me off, so I wrote a Google review about it to warn other people, basically they sent me 90 days of medication that expires a month from when they sent it. Not OK because I pay cash for it, I mean not OK anyway, but you know what I mean. Anyway, I guess the owner saw my review and he mailed me a fresh bottle of medication. I mentioned to my friend that I was afraid to take it because what if he only sent it to poison me…

This probably isn’t the best sub to ask this, because most of y’all know they are not. But it seems that the privileged people of the world naturally assume that if someone owns a business they are ethical and I don’t understand it.

A compounding pharmacy sent me some expired medication, I called to try to fix it and they blew me off, so I wrote a Google review about it to warn other people, basically they sent me 90 days of medication that expires a month from when they sent it. Not OK because I pay cash for it, I mean not OK anyway, but you know what I mean.

Anyway, I guess the owner saw my review and he mailed me a fresh bottle of medication. I mentioned to my friend that I was afraid to take it because what if he only sent it to poison me to punish me for my review. Yes I know this sounds paranoid, but don’t forget there is a whole entire political party out to start a Civil War, and in my review I’m pretty sure I mentioned that I was angry they didn’t care about health and safety regulations, because I’m not a Republican and I actually believe health and safety regulations exist for a reason. So my fear was that he is in fact a MAGA who would he willing to hurt a “dem baby eater” or whatever crazy stuff they think.

PLUS, it’s a compounding pharmacy in Massachusetts, and about 10 years ago a compounding pharmacy in Massachusetts was so cheap and greedy that they were sending out epidural steroid fluid for injections that had black floating chunks in it that were mold and a whole bunch of people got encephalitis and died. Obviously this is not the same compounding pharmacy, but knowing that they can and will do this to save money I had doubts about taking this medication.

So I asked my best friend what she thought and I also let her know that if I am suddenly found dead to please have the Medical Examiner look at this bottle of pills. Her reply was “oh he wouldn’t do that?!”

But why? She doesn’t know this man personally or professionally. Why wouldn’t he do that? I mean, remember the story of Kermit Gosnell? Who would have thought a gynecologist who is HELPING women nobody else would help would give them STIs because he doesn’t even clean the speculums he uses? But he did.

I don’t know, I’m not looking for any specific advice about my specific situation, I’m just really curious about where the idea comes from that business owners are just naturally ethical and they do the right thing, because that’s not been my experience in the United States in my 50 years of life at all.

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