
Why do people want the minimum wage raised?

I'm confused as to why a lot of people on this board wants the minimum wage increased? If you raise the minimum wage the cost of everything goes up because now all companies have to pay they're employees more money therefore requiring to raise the cost of they're goods and services. I also don't understand why minimum wage is being a discussion worth talking about? If you're working minimum wage or closer I'm your late teens early 20s that's fine but if you're complaining about it after 30 how you make minimum wage, there's a problem here and it's not society.

I'm confused as to why a lot of people on this board wants the minimum wage increased? If you raise the minimum wage the cost of everything goes up because now all companies have to pay they're employees more money therefore requiring to raise the cost of they're goods and services.

I also don't understand why minimum wage is being a discussion worth talking about? If you're working minimum wage or closer I'm your late teens early 20s that's fine but if you're complaining about it after 30 how you make minimum wage, there's a problem here and it's not society.

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