
Why do so many idolize our evil overlords?

Why do so many people idolize the Elon Musks of the world? The oligarchs, the billionaires? Do you think you will someday be one of them? They seem to get a free pass because they create thousands of barely subsistence wage deadend jobs! They don't give a shit about their employees, health or safety or if they can afford rent or food–while they get away with not paying taxes. Thay are laughing all the way to the bank because our current system praises them, enriches them and keeps the rank and file workers down. When will people see that this type of capitalism is a toxic system and must stop?

Why do so many people idolize the Elon Musks of the world? The oligarchs, the billionaires? Do you think you will someday be one of them? They seem to get a free pass because they create thousands of barely subsistence wage deadend jobs! They don't give a shit about their employees, health or safety or if they can afford rent or food–while they get away with not paying taxes. Thay are laughing all the way to the bank because our current system praises them, enriches them and keeps the rank and file workers down.

When will people see that this type of capitalism is a toxic system and must stop?

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