
Why do so many managers/bosses/supervisors think it’s ok to yell at their employees?

I hear so many stories about people getting yelled at by their employers and I've experienced it myself. It's just shocking how common this is. It's just so unprofessional and rude to raise your voice at someone, but especially an employee. Like seriously, is there ever a situation in an office that's dire enough that you need to yell at someone? It is *never* that serious. And a lot of people have childhood trauma so if you yell at an employee, don't be surprised if you catch them crying in the break room. Making your employees cry will lower productivity so you're really just shooting yourself in the foot. This is just another way that the working class is treated like subhumans and it pisses me off so much.

I hear so many stories about people getting yelled at by their employers and I've experienced it myself. It's just shocking how common this is. It's just so unprofessional and rude to raise your voice at someone, but especially an employee. Like seriously, is there ever a situation in an office that's dire enough that you need to yell at someone? It is *never* that serious. And a lot of people have childhood trauma so if you yell at an employee, don't be surprised if you catch them crying in the break room. Making your employees cry will lower productivity so you're really just shooting yourself in the foot. This is just another way that the working class is treated like subhumans and it pisses me off so much.

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