
Why do we have to work

I’m sick of this nonsense that you are born into this shitty world and now you have to struggle to get through life and work just to survive. Are we not so much more technologically advanced and made enough progress that we could all be doing something that better serves our lives. So basically I’m born and then I work my ass off all my life and then I die. Society is an absolute joke! I think the entire planet should plan to stop working and see how these fat cats, governments and corporations make due without the masses doing their bidding.

I’m sick of this nonsense that you are born into this shitty world and now you have to struggle to get through life and work just to survive.

Are we not so much more technologically advanced and made enough progress that we could all be doing something that better serves our lives.

So basically I’m born and then I work my ass off all my life and then I die.

Society is an absolute joke!

I think the entire planet should plan to stop working and see how these fat cats, governments and corporations make due without the masses doing their bidding.

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