
Why does the responsibility for being late fall to the worker?

Let me explain. I was late to work one day a month ago because of traffic and I was told that I wasn’t allowed to be late again and to ensure I got to work earlier. Since then, I’ve been getting to work 15 minutes early and sitting in my car just in CASE something goes wrong. Why is their 15 minutes more valuable than my 15 minutes? Why do I have to sacrifice an extra 15 minutes of my free time every day just so I don’t get fired.

Let me explain. I was late to work one day a month ago because of traffic and I was told that I wasn’t allowed to be late again and to ensure I got to work earlier. Since then, I’ve been getting to work 15 minutes early and sitting in my car just in CASE something goes wrong. Why is their 15 minutes more valuable than my 15 minutes? Why do I have to sacrifice an extra 15 minutes of my free time every day just so I don’t get fired.

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