
Why don’t we name names?

I see so many posts where people say their company is hell but won't name the devil. How do you think we can hold them accountable if we're too afraid to even post about them on social media with anonymous usernames? Make a throw away account if you're really that afraid of them knowing what you're saying. Knowing nameless company X did something bad helps absolutely no one. Not naming names makes it seem like this sub is full of fanfiction and it makes it hard to have believe anything here.

I see so many posts where people say their company is hell but won't name the devil. How do you think we can hold them accountable if we're too afraid to even post about them on social media with anonymous usernames? Make a throw away account if you're really that afraid of them knowing what you're saying. Knowing nameless company X did something bad helps absolutely no one. Not naming names makes it seem like this sub is full of fanfiction and it makes it hard to have believe anything here.

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