
Why don’t we organize the most massive workforce strike of all time?

Pick a date in the future, long enough away to spread the word but not long enough away for some kind of mandate that those caught skipping work that day will be terminated. (A scare tactic anyway if we truly organize) Let’s stick it to these fucks. I’m sick of it. We created the 40 hour work week in a time when it was typical to have the female at home and the man at work. The female took care of the house work and childcare needs and the man went to work for the paycheck. Well fast forward to today. Now a two person household is expected to have each person working that 40 – 60 hour week. This ALSO takes away the person who was home doing things like, but not limited to: – laundry – cooking – cleaning – basic upkeep of house – child care -…

Pick a date in the future, long enough away to spread the word but not long enough away for some kind of mandate that those caught skipping work that day will be terminated. (A scare tactic anyway if we truly organize)

Let’s stick it to these fucks. I’m sick of it.

We created the 40 hour work week in a time when it was typical to have the female at home and the man at work. The female took care of the house work and childcare needs and the man went to work for the paycheck.

Well fast forward to today. Now a two person household is expected to have each person working that 40 – 60 hour week. This ALSO takes away the person who was home doing things like, but not limited to:
– laundry
– cooking
– cleaning
– basic upkeep of house
– child care
– feel free to add to this list I can update it.

So now not only are you working your 40 hour week, but now you have to do those things on top of it all. There goes another few hours in your day.

Congratulations guys! You’ve now done your 40 hour job plus let’s CONSERVATIVELY say, 1.5 hours to cook a meal and clean it all up x 5 days a week.

2 hours to do all of the laundry one time a week.

2 hours to tidy up mid week, assuming you’re now going to waste your weekend vacuuming, sweeping, cleaning counter tops, dusting, etc.

30 mins commute each way x 5 days a week

Take care of bills, have appointments etc let’s say 1 hour a week because this can vary greatly.

Let’s also walk our dog only one time and for only 30 minutes each day.

So where are we now? 56.5 hours. And we haven’t even had kids yet.

Meanwhile our fearless CEO has made a killing while his partner is home either doing the housework so he can relax at home, or having a person to do it for them so they can pretend to be an influencer solving incredibly important problems like how do we get those starving children the plastic surgeries they need to not be so ugly?
Sorry I get carried away when I get this pissed off. Back to business.

Let’s say you sleep a full 8 hours because science fucking says you should. Then, let’s focus only on waking hours.

There is 120 hours in 5 days, then minus the 40 spent sleeping we’re going to discount we’re left with 80. You’re going to work and do chores for 56.5 hours.

Congratulations you have less than 1 full day to be a human. Go give yourself a pat on the back and a boot in the ass cause you gotta get back to work ya shit stain! I hope you enjoy your 23.5 hours of living.
That’s right, just a measly 29% of your time during the week is actually for you, ASSUMING you’re not also going to school or working a second job or having frequent overtime.

We should be rioting. Labor Day is a holiday celebrated in honor of those who fought and even died to get us the 40 hour work week. That work they did is now for absolutely nothing because yes you have your 40 hours but they’ve found a way to squeeze more out of us regardless. Not to mention you’re working harder now because a soulless piece of shit consultant came into your workplace and told them how to run with a skeleton crew.


Note: I’m not a math person so if I’ve done anything wrong please correct me.

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