
“Why don’t we riot like France?” Take a look at what days we celebrate our freedom.

Most people don’t know this, but July 4th has nothing to do with the dates that Americas founding documents were signed. It was the day they went to the presses and distributed it. Meanwhile French independence isn’t as often marked similarly by events like the Oath at the Tennis Court, but rather Bastille Day. French independence is built on action above all else while American values revolve more around spreading a message. Make no mistake: Americans are as aggressive as they come. And we posture like our Second Amendment in any way is about fighting tyranny when the only gun control measures that have stuck originated in not wanting the “wrong people” to have guns. Calling for a revolt will only scare people away from a cause that deserves a credible front line that isn’t built on violence. I have nothing but respect for the way the French react to…

Most people don’t know this, but July 4th has nothing to do with the dates that Americas founding documents were signed. It was the day they went to the presses and distributed it.

Meanwhile French independence isn’t as often marked similarly by events like the Oath at the Tennis Court, but rather Bastille Day. French independence is built on action above all else while American values revolve more around spreading a message.

Make no mistake: Americans are as aggressive as they come. And we posture like our Second Amendment in any way is about fighting tyranny when the only gun control measures that have stuck originated in not wanting the “wrong people” to have guns.

Calling for a revolt will only scare people away from a cause that deserves a credible front line that isn’t built on violence.

I have nothing but respect for the way the French react to outrageous events, but assuming we can transplant it similarly is going to create chaos in a populace already armed to the teeth.

We need to be careful with our words, because I guarantee you that in the dark damp corners of the conservative online space there are dangerous people more and more willing to see this as a physical war.

That’s how we get scared old white men who are so afraid because of what Fox News says that they’re shooting actual children on sight for even getting close to them.

Peace and progress have never come from the tip of the spear. They came when the words of those hurting were loud and sharper than any sword and can pierce people’s hearts better than bullets.

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