i only have one life and i want to enjoy it. being at the office all of the time feels like a waste of time and life, it may seem like there are no other options but i know that there are, you just need to be creative about it don’t let people tell you what you can or cannot do with your own life!
We Only Live Once People!
I hate working a 9 to 5 job because I only have one life and I want to enjoy it.
When you’re young, your whole life is ahead of you. You don’t know what lies ahead or how much time will pass before your dreams come true. You just know that it’s going to happen eventually, so why not live the way that makes most sense for now? Why not spend your days doing things that make YOU happy instead of being told by someone else how they think YOUR happiness should look like?
Office Feels Like A Waste Of Time!
You might think that working a 9-to-5 job is the only way to get ahead in life, but it doesn’t have to be. If you want an exciting career and don’t mind leaving your home office every day, there are plenty of other options out there. You can work from home or even travel around the world while still making money!
But why would anyone want to do this? What’s so great about being stuck at your desk all day? It’s not fair at all! When you’re at the desk doing nothing but watching Netflix and playing games on your phone (and sometimes even sleeping), it feels like you’re wasting your life away.
“I Could Die At Any Moment”
“I Could Die At Any Moment” is something most people always keep in mind and when you have that mindset it is easy to see how working a 9 to 5 job is not a good way to live your life.
I want to enjoy my life while i can, so for me, working long hours is not the way I want my days to be spent. I want my weekends free so that i can spend them with family and friends doing whatever makes me happy and makes me feel alive.
Don’t Be Discouraged If You don’t The Way To Quit your 9 to 5
You can work from home. This is the most obvious and common solution, but it’s also one of the least likely to be utilized by people who are stuck in a 9–5 job. Why? Because they don’t want to take on any risk or fail at something that could potentially ruin their career. It’s easier just to stay put and continue doing what you’ve been doing for years; however, there are some people who do this as a lifestyle choice — they’re happy with their life as it is now and don’t want anything changing it up too much (which could include leaving their current position).
If this sounds like you then go ahead and start looking online for jobs that allow remote work! There are plenty of positions available if you know where to look (and if not then I suggest checking out freelancer sites like Upwork). These days companies will hire skilled individuals regardless of location because they realize how beneficial it can be when someone lives near each other so communication tends toward being easier between colleagues rather than far away ones on different continents (or even countries).
Don’t Let People Discourage You!!!
It’s important to remember that you don’t owe anyone anything. You are the only one who can decide what your life looks like, and nobody else should be deciding it for you. When someone tries to tell you what they think is best for your future (or even just their own), remember that they might not know as much about where the road will lead as you do.
Don’t Let Other People’s Opinions Hold You Back!!!
You are the only one who can decide what is best for you. Don’t let other people’s opinions hold you back, make you feel bad about yourself or prevent you from doing something that makes YOU happy.
So there it is, the reasons why I hate working a 9 to 5 job! But don’t worry, now that we have talked about all this stuff (and maybe even shared some tips on how to not hate your 9–5), I am sure that things will get better soon!
I know that this article may seem like a rant for some people, but I hope that you can take something away from it. There are many people out there that want to do what they love but don’t have the money or resources to do so because they are stuck in jobs that may not pay well enough for you to live off of while doing what makes you happy,