
Why I’m anti work, currency and government

Our species is extremely good at adapting and evolving in which ever direction is most beneficial. At one point control over people, possessions and time became more important then mental and artists evolution. Thusly destroying our species mentally over the last few hundred years. We weren't meant to have lived under rule of any kind other then the advancement of our species. If money and division weren't to be the driving force, our species would have gone to the unknowns of space and time. The possibilities were endless.

Our species is extremely good at adapting and evolving in which ever direction is most beneficial. At one point control over people, possessions and time became more important then mental and artists evolution. Thusly destroying our species mentally over the last few hundred years. We weren't meant to have lived under rule of any kind other then the advancement of our species. If money and division weren't to be the driving force, our species would have gone to the unknowns of space and time. The possibilities were endless.

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