
Why I’m slacking off

I'm slacking off today. My job is for the most part easy. Stressful and repetitive, but easy. Today my bosses come in with some “brilliant” ideas that effectively double my workload. They want to increase productivity, optimize performance, decrease touches and interactions, automate tasks, mnimize costs… And other bs buzzwords capitalists use that simply mean to further exploit workers, pressure them to work harder and faster and increase profits so that they can pocket it all. He looks me dead in the face and says this is all so that my department can bring in $1 million a year (meanwhile I get paid the same $40,000 a year, ofcourse). One of them is timing everything I do so that he can better guage how fast it can be done. Like most capitalists, he thinks the problem is me and that every thing he wants me to do can be done…

I'm slacking off today.
My job is for the most part easy. Stressful and repetitive, but easy. Today my bosses come in with some “brilliant” ideas that effectively double my workload. They want to increase productivity, optimize performance, decrease touches and interactions, automate tasks, mnimize costs… And other bs buzzwords capitalists use that simply mean to further exploit workers, pressure them to work harder and faster and increase profits so that they can pocket it all. He looks me dead in the face and says this is all so that my department can bring in $1 million a year (meanwhile I get paid the same $40,000 a year, ofcourse). One of them is timing everything I do so that he can better guage how fast it can be done. Like most capitalists, he thinks the problem is me and that every thing he wants me to do can be done faster (less than 2 hours—mind you, this is ALL theoretical to him, these are not tasks that he ever actually performs). With that in mind, I'm intentional slacking off and pacing myself so that thinks he's wrong (he is wrong, I just wanna exaggerate it) because I've worked here for a year and I've definitely picked up on the fact that whatever goal they set for you, in two months time, they will want you to beat it. If I do 50 today, he'll want 60 tomorrow. If I generate $4,000 this week, he'll want $6, 000 next week.

I'm not lazy. I don't mind working. But I just want to work. I want to come in, do a job and go home. I don't want to spend 8 hours of my day running around like a mad man, moving harder and faster for what? So that he can make more money and my bank account never see it? So that by the time I get home I'm exhausted, sore and half dead and don't have the energy to spend time with my family or friends or engage in any of the things that me happy? No thanks.

Anybody else understand where I'm coming from or been through something like this?

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