
Why is work from home no longer an option unless you’re a manager??

I started a new job this July, and being in the office is allowing me to form relationships with my coworkers and to be trained properly. But personally, I think training is the only time people SHOULD have to work in-office… Honestly, the lack of WFH fairness at my last job is still bothering me! I worked for the company 3 years total, and during the pandemic, I worked almost 2 full years at home. I even took on acting manager duties during that time. Then one random day last fall, we got an email to the effect of “anyone who is customer facing needs to come into the office, no exceptions.” I can remember my WFH being clawed back very early as an admin staff member, despite not having any in-person customers and despite having manager status temporarily. I was called back four months before any of the “official”…

I started a new job this July, and being in the office is allowing me to form relationships with my coworkers and to be trained properly. But personally, I think training is the only time people SHOULD have to work in-office…

Honestly, the lack of WFH fairness at my last job is still bothering me! I worked for the company 3 years total, and during the pandemic, I worked almost 2 full years at home. I even took on acting manager duties during that time.

Then one random day last fall, we got an email to the effect of “anyone who is customer facing needs to come into the office, no exceptions.” I can remember my WFH being clawed back very early as an admin staff member, despite not having any in-person customers and despite having manager status temporarily.

I was called back four months before any of the “official” managers, and this is when gas prices were skyrocketing too. My commute was 35 minutes each way, and most of our admin staff had an equally long commute. People requested WFH reconsiderations due to high gas prices multiple times in the anonymous suggestion box, but nothing was ever done to make WFH fair for everyone.

One weekend, I was really sick and texted my manager to ask what I should be doing for work on Monday. (The workplace’s Covid policy stated that admin staff need to take time off or arrange to work at home if they have Covid symptoms). She said she would clarify with the department head for me, but I never got a text back.

Then Monday morning, I went to work only to find out that this same manager “was working from home because she had a stomach ache.” Must be nice to have the power to make your own schedule, and to half-ass it while sick and not have to use a sick day! Working in the office while sick that day definitely makes the top 5 worst workdays I’ve ever had.

WHY is it that managers are the only ones who haven’t had their WFH clawed back after COVID?! (My new job is the same, but I don’t know anything different than being in the office 5 days per week here).

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