Started a new job two weeks ago.. gonna quit asap.
I don’t even know what to think anymore. Basically the place is a shit show. I was barely trained, there are no checklists or any type of anything to refer to as a new person. After a few days I was told I’d open alone the next day. I showed up and was like, uhhh…. Wtf do I do?
My training shifts started after the cooks already opened, and like I said there was no checklists. I did everything by memory, slammed out all these orders by myself and fucking killed it. I kept a positive energy to make it through but I was not stoked. When I got hired I was told I would rarely be working alone, there would usually be 2 minimum on the line. What happened to that?!
I asked for as many hours as possible, and am given 24-30/hr week shifts, meanwhile they’re desperate for workers. My first day I was told people quit like wildfire, and since I’ve started all but 2 of the cooks have quit. I was also told working alone you’re supposed to get the full 25% share of tip pool, and split when working with other cooks (usually one or two other workers).
I’ve been there three weeks now but see why everyone leaves and am also ready to go. It’s a shit show with no order and a manager that just complains out loud alllll day. Nonetheless I’m here for the money.
Quick funny addition- I was suddenly taken off the schedule for the week after working my first shift alone, and was like uhhh ok.. it was over Father’s Day so I was like whatever I’ll take it. But come morning of, boss is like ‘did you switch your shifts??’ Separate text, ‘I think i messed up and gave your shifts to (new hire) ’ Separate text ‘I think I must have got hacked idk what happened!! Can you come in?’
I said no. Lol
I go to get my first paycheck, and grab my tips for the two weeks which are in an envelope and leave. I see my check is paid out at minimum wage. I have experience but was given the minimum amount they offer which is $17. Highest is $21, I didn’t know that til after accepting the job. (Min wage here is $14.75, $15.45 on July 1)
I look at my tips and I received $49 for working 3 days, one alone, all busy as fuck. And then for the one shift working alone, I got $61, also insanely busy. $45 was for a catering order I had to do before we opened. That’s $16 for the rest of the shift. I averaged it out and each shift I got $16 a day lol. Seems shady.
(We are an expensive spot with mainly rich people eating so they definitely tip.. boss said before I started servers def avg $200, then split)
I texted my boss saying we agreed on $17 and they said it’s a mistake. The next check will be corrected. They said they can pay the difference in cash for me, felt very weird but needing money now I agreed. Got to work today and it was a shit show again. Boss was complaining all day. Left pretty early. Someone didn’t show up for dinner shift change so a new hire who was drinking and relaxing on his day off was called in, the cook I was working with also had left for the day. I’m there and supposed to leave when the next cook comes on, which is his last day… and 30 mins goes by and he doesn’t show up. I call and text the boss saying he’s not here and I have to leave in 30 for an appt- no answer. I panic and tell the new guy the situation and help him do as much prep as possible and get him going but ultimately he could not run dinner by himself. 8 mins after I was supposed to leave but trying to help the guy out boss says they’ll close down half the menu and operate like that and then I leave.
What the ffffffff.
I have to open tomorrow, knowing there’s going to be NO food prepped because everything was emptied out. It will be 100% impossible, prep cooks takes hours to get the food ready for the line.
I just want to quit right fucking now. But I don’t want to completely fuck everyone over tomorrow. So I might stick tomorrow out, fucking CHRISTTTT.