
Why promote a manager without telling team?!

I work in a small department of 8 people. We are under one of the C Suite execs. There is a manager on the team. Half the workers report to the manager, the other half to the C Suite. About a month ago, the manager was promoted to a director level position. No notice to the team. No added responsibilities. No replacement for the manager position. Why would management do that? I am now really thinking about leaving as there is no reason to promote to another level without added responsibility, and it devalues the rest of the team. I would appreciate all thoughts and opinions. TIA.

I work in a small department of 8 people. We are under one of the C Suite execs. There is a manager on the team. Half the workers report to the manager, the other half to the C Suite. About a month ago, the manager was promoted to a director level position. No notice to the team. No added responsibilities. No replacement for the manager position. Why would management do that? I am now really thinking about leaving as there is no reason to promote to another level without added responsibility, and it devalues the rest of the team. I would appreciate all thoughts and opinions. TIA.

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