
Why *real* socialism will never work

Before I start, I am a socialist/communist. A Yugoslav communist, to be more precise (because I'm from there). As much as I would like socialism to succeed, here is few things you must know. Yes, you. Please read the text to the end and think carefully about this. If you consider yourself a communist, are you really? Always ask yourself when you buy various jewelry, branded clothes, the best mobile phone. But you know what, wrong, it's not all about expensive things. While reading this post, make a checklist of the things you would really be willing to do that I described below. How many bed sheets do you have in the house? 10? Why do you need so much? Why are you buying more t-shirts if you have 5 at home that are not damaged and are not too small? When you buy strawberry jam, for example, and you…

Before I start, I am a socialist/communist. A Yugoslav communist, to be more precise (because I'm from there). As much as I would like socialism to succeed, here is few things you must know. Yes, you. Please read the text to the end and think carefully about this.

If you consider yourself a communist, are you really?
Always ask yourself when you buy various jewelry, branded clothes, the best mobile phone. But you know what, wrong, it's not all about expensive things. While reading this post, make a checklist of the things you would really be willing to do that I described below.

How many bed sheets do you have in the house? 10? Why do you need so much? Why are you buying more t-shirts if you have 5 at home that are not damaged and are not too small? When you buy strawberry jam, for example, and you go to the store, you will find a lot of strawberry jams, different brands, different prices. When you buy rice, the same thing, rice is rice, but you have different brands.

Does it really matter that much? Does. It… really? Really really?
Is it worth it for more people to work 45 hours a week just to do the same thing with multiple different but same ways, different companies?

Toilet paper? What, every single one of them wipes ass? You don't like that one is too firm so you buy this soft, three-layer one? So why are we still selling that first one?

If we stopped consuming so much, buying, throwing things away instead of using them to the very end, making more things for ourselves, being creative, planting our own fruits and vegetables, would we now be struggling with work and living paycheck to paycheck?

Then, the second thing, when are we going to stop poking our noses into other people's lives? Especially when it comes to things that don't harm you, like different cultures, races, sexualities, even genders or hair color.

Also, where has humanity gone? Given that we would not live under capitalism, we would have to accept the fact that we would do some things for free, on a voluntary basis, such as helping the elderly in nursing homes, saving someone's life, transporting food, being a veterinarian and so on, because why on earth would you ask for money for something like that? Isn't that what are we supposed to do, help eachother?

You don't need 10 different soaps, no, you don't need 350 choices of phone cases on the webshop, you don't need a lot of razors, one that you just change the razor is enough. You don't need new shoes if the ones you already have are perfectly fine, just take care of them and clean and repair them. But, what if you really want some change? You have brain and hands just like someone else does that would do that for you and you just buy it. Get materials and make it yourself.

But of course, all of what I have listed so far is hard to imagine for our human brain. It's easier to work for someone else for a miserable salary and then enjoy the sea of ​​choice of things, enjoy Mcdonalds, Shein, buying things we don't need even though we think we do. You do not trust me? Open your drawer and closet, I bet you'll find half the things you bought a few years ago and never used again. Kinder eggs are fun, but they are plastic waste.

Even though you may agree with everything I said, look around you and see how others would react to the same. There is nothing we can do except persuade people to be more humane and most importantly, vote with your money. Stop feeding rich companies by buying from them. Buy local and only the cheapest thing.

And stop working for them. If we all stand up, they will fall. Only then will we destroy capitalism.

Which is never.

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