
Why the constant bait and switch?

So just some backstory for context: I left my medical job over a year ago due to a spinal cord injury. Unfortunately that injury has become permanent and it’s very hard for me to leave the house. At first my husband told me to not worry about finding a job because he’s more worried about my injury getting worse (he still says that to this day) but we are struggling financially because his previous boss (started new job last week) just one day told him, that he’s switching my husband from working 12 hour days 6 days a week to, my husband has to wait at the drop of a hat (20 mins before he’s supposed to start) to be told “hey don’t come in today, I don’t have enough business to justify paying you”. My husband started looking for a new job and found one right away thankfully. However…

So just some backstory for context: I left my medical job over a year ago due to a spinal cord injury. Unfortunately that injury has become permanent and it’s very hard for me to leave the house. At first my husband told me to not worry about finding a job because he’s more worried about my injury getting worse (he still says that to this day) but we are struggling financially because his previous boss (started new job last week) just one day told him, that he’s switching my husband from working 12 hour days 6 days a week to, my husband has to wait at the drop of a hat (20 mins before he’s supposed to start) to be told “hey don’t come in today, I don’t have enough business to justify paying you”. My husband started looking for a new job and found one right away thankfully. However because of my husbands previous employer cutting his hours we are struggling. We can catch back up with his new job but right now we are in the red and in danger of losing our apartment. So I’ve been looking into a wfh job. I have put in over 100 applications with very few things I refuse to do, commute to office (we have one car, and with my mobility issues there are days I can’t even get off the couch without being lifted off, much less walking and driving) and call centers (doctor previously told me for my health never work for a cc again). Well I’ve had a few interviews and there’s always something changing. No cc suddenly turns into you have to take calls all day. Hourly rate changes. Or worse wfh becomes “oh you can wfh 2 days a week but the other 3 need to be in office” didn’t say it anywhere in the job ad, and when I explain that I would have a hard time making it into the office most days due to my injury, I had one manager tell me flat out, that my injury doesn’t give me any accommodations to be unreliable. Unreliable because I have a spinal injury that means I can’t walk somedays?! I’m so tired of the bait and switch companies do to get apps, and honestly the lack of empathy or understanding when I explain I refuse to be demanded to come into the office when I applied for a wfh job to accommodate my disability. Why do employers treat their employees or potential employees like crap so much?

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