
Why work is so exhausting.

A month and a half ago I started my first full time job, thinking that finally I won’t be grinding for final exams and essays for the rest of my life. I was so naive and wrong. The real grind just begun, and it has no stop until I’m too old for companies to milk value out of me. How do you guys cope with work? It’s not like school where I have summer/winter breaks to look forward to. The work just has no end. Every day I head home knowing that I’ll do the same thing again tomorrow and most likely for the rest of my life. I have no time to do stuffs. My commute is 1hr each way unless I rent near my company where the rent is outrageous. In the weekends when I have time I just don’t have the energy to leave my bed. I…

A month and a half ago I started my first full time job, thinking that finally I won’t be grinding for final exams and essays for the rest of my life. I was so naive and wrong. The real grind just begun, and it has no stop until I’m too old for companies to milk value out of me. How do you guys cope with work? It’s not like school where I have summer/winter breaks to look forward to. The work just has no end. Every day I head home knowing that I’ll do the same thing again tomorrow and most likely for the rest of my life. I have no time to do stuffs. My commute is 1hr each way unless I rent near my company where the rent is outrageous. In the weekends when I have time I just don’t have the energy to leave my bed. I feel so guilty that I was unaware of what the life of vast majority is like. It’s only a month and a half and I’m already so sick of it. I seriously need something to keep hope up.

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