
Wife got fired for doing what she was told to do by the person who told her to do it.

So basically my wife and I worked for a hotel chain and I have since left. Well she does 3rd shift front desk and usually sets up the breakfast area instead of doing coffee (She has a mold allergy and pretty sure the coffee machine has mold in it cause when she does coffee she gets a migraine). Well come to find out the girl (who she gets along with) who does breakfast complained that she was behind cause she had to do the coffee. So this is brought to my wife's attention and the GM tells her to just do the coffee then since the other stuff isn't in her job description. So she does just that last night (this morning) and when the other girl gets there and asks what happened my wife tells her she was told that there was a problem and to just do the…

So basically my wife and I worked for a hotel chain and I have since left. Well she does 3rd shift front desk and usually sets up the breakfast area instead of doing coffee (She has a mold allergy and pretty sure the coffee machine has mold in it cause when she does coffee she gets a migraine). Well come to find out the girl (who she gets along with) who does breakfast complained that she was behind cause she had to do the coffee. So this is brought to my wife's attention and the GM tells her to just do the coffee then since the other stuff isn't in her job description. So she does just that last night (this morning) and when the other girl gets there and asks what happened my wife tells her she was told that there was a problem and to just do the coffee and nothing else since that was in her job description. Other girl is upset and fast forward we just got home and my wife gets a call from the GM telling her she is fired for making the other girl cry. Obviously my wife is very upset and I am beyond pissed off at them for doing this. Having worked there I know the stairs are made of wood and not up to code. There is mold growing behind the walls in some of the rooms, I'm sure there are several other code violations. Not to mention they have adjusted her time to make sure she doesn't get overtime before, which is wage theft. She always writes her times down but after payday she doesn't keep them so we wouldn't have any concrete proof on that but really I am just trying to hit their pockets since they hit ours. I'm not really sure who to call or what to say so I was hoping some of y'all might have some advice. We live in TN. Also I am about to go to work myself so it'll be awhile before I'll be able to check this post so I'll get back to anyone who replies asap.

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