
Wife’s boss doesn’t want to let her off work for important doctors appointment. Advice?

Hey guys, first time posting here so I hope this is the right place for this. My wife had some tests done recently and a bunch of red flags came back. It could be very serious is what she tells me. Threw around the cancer word a few times so we are both stressed of course. They want to call her Friday to go over the results but her boss basically told her no I’m a less than polite way, but shouldn’t this serious health concern be more important? I can kinda see the bosses perspective because they have others taking off that day, but what would you guys do in that scenario? My wife plans on calling in sick the day before anyway because we can’t wait on that kind of info, but is that the right move? My gut says health over job is a must, but she…

Hey guys, first time posting here so I hope this is the right place for this.

My wife had some tests done recently and a bunch of red flags came back. It could be very serious is what she tells me. Threw around the cancer word a few times so we are both stressed of course. They want to call her Friday to go over the results but her boss basically told her no I’m a less than polite way, but shouldn’t this serious health concern be more important?

I can kinda see the bosses perspective because they have others taking off that day, but what would you guys do in that scenario? My wife plans on calling in sick the day before anyway because we can’t wait on that kind of info, but is that the right move? My gut says health over job is a must, but she is also the only income provider atm so I don’t want her to lose her job also. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks for reading guys

Edit: I should add that my wife applied somewhere else right after that conversation with her boss, but won’t know about getting another job for a bit

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