
Will changing jobs make me happier or do I just not like to work?

I work at a non-profit organisation and have realised that I am not content. The work is repetitive and not stimulating, and I am barely learning anything. I used to work in marketing in the private sector and I made a switch to the non-profit sector hoping that if I work for an organisation with a purpose, it might change my attitude towards work, e.g. making money for a client by implementing a successful marketing strategy is not as satisfying as advocating for human rights – doing something you believe in. (I don't work for a human rights organisation but am just giving an example.) I'm thinking about changing my jobs, but I genuinely have no clue whether it would make me happier. Is it a matter of me just not liking what I do, and perhaps it is time I change the field? Or do I just not like…

I work at a non-profit organisation and have realised that I am not content. The work is repetitive and not stimulating, and I am barely learning anything.

I used to work in marketing in the private sector and I made a switch to the non-profit sector hoping that if I work for an organisation with a purpose, it might change my attitude towards work, e.g. making money for a client by implementing a successful marketing strategy is not as satisfying as advocating for human rights – doing something you believe in. (I don't work for a human rights organisation but am just giving an example.)

I'm thinking about changing my jobs, but I genuinely have no clue whether it would make me happier. Is it a matter of me just not liking what I do, and perhaps it is time I change the field? Or do I just not like the routine and repetitiveness of it all? I noticed that I am more content when I have to do something that I have not done before and I have to figure out a way to do it, especially if it is a technical problem.

Just a note, this is not the first non-profit I am working for. I also changed a couple of employers in the profit sector. The common denominator is me.

Does anyone have any wisdom to share on this? Hoping that someone was this lost and managed to find a way out.

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