So I ship out business checks at my current job, not the hardest job but the pay is low. The worst part they give seniority for PTO, so who ever was there the longest gets to pick what weeks they want. Not too bad but I’m a new hire and I only get 3 weeks and the people that were there like five years ago get 5 to 6 weeks. Their is only 36 weeks in a year so I can never get a whole week off. My faimly out of state is coming to visit so is some of my faimly members from the military. I honestly felt like crying when the manger said I can’t get a whole week off. I work 10 hours a day 6 days a week. I wish I could quit this dying business but I have a felony on my record and getting a job is vary difficult so I can’t even quit. Absolutely hate the whole situation.