
With over 2 Million Users, why hasn’t this sub offered an better way? Surely there are users here who own businesses or can pool resources to form businesses with worker-favorable conditions and actually make a difference, right?

I get that 1.5MM of the 2+MM likely just want to bitch. It's easier than actually doing something to fix the problem…. not to mention there's some cathartic value in that…. I get it. But surely there are some of you who own businesses who treat employees properly, right? Surely there are some of you with the drive to make a difference? At the very least there's potential to pool resources and do so. There's a lot of potential power here to show the right way… Why hasn't it happened? What are you waiting for?

I get that 1.5MM of the 2+MM likely just want to bitch. It's easier than actually doing something to fix the problem…. not to mention there's some cathartic value in that…. I get it.

But surely there are some of you who own businesses who treat employees properly, right?

Surely there are some of you with the drive to make a difference? At the very least there's potential to pool resources and do so.

There's a lot of potential power here to show the right way…

Why hasn't it happened? What are you waiting for?

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