
Wolfsong’s Theory – a thought experiment on why anti-work politics must progress faster than technology

Ever since the emergence of chat GPT and the multitude of AI art bot, there have been things done by automation that most people have never dreamed of. I have seen posts here and there about AI helping to solve legal cases doing paralegal work I have seen stuff about AI creating advertisements .We can consider that there is an extremely high percentage of jobs that can be done by automation. As time goes on we will approach the maximum number of jobs being replaced by automation just like how a limit works in mathematics. I firmly believe left -leaning politics needs to progress faster than this technology, because there can only be two distinct outcomes. The first one is if anti-work politics progresses faster than technology. Imagine most of the work the world does is automated. The land and automation could be owned by a just sovereign nation that…

Ever since the emergence of chat GPT and the multitude of AI art bot, there have been things done by automation that most people have never dreamed of. I have seen posts here and there about AI helping to solve legal cases doing paralegal work I have seen stuff about AI creating advertisements .We can consider that there is an extremely high percentage of jobs that can be done by automation. As time goes on we will approach the maximum number of jobs being replaced by automation just like how a limit works in mathematics. I firmly believe left -leaning politics needs to progress faster than this technology, because there can only be two distinct outcomes.

The first one is if anti-work politics progresses faster than technology. Imagine most of the work the world does is automated. The land and automation could be owned by a just sovereign nation that accepts and embraces technology. Profits made from automation turning raw material into goods could be distributed to everyone and people, not just the wealthy, could all live like kings, without having to work (with the exceptions with some jobs that could never be replaced by AI but people could work part-time and share those responsibilities)

The second possible scenario is unfortunately close to what we're seeing now. If people are able to own land that bears raw material// farmland etc and the automation that can turn it into goods, due to economies of scale they can increase profits tremendously and take over competing businesses. Automation will also put a ceiling on the price of labor because companies will still hire people but only if they are cheaper than automation. This is not good for the working man. Pure capitalist policies will leave people unemployed replaced by automation and having nothing.

In reality I don't think it will ever get as good as the perfect good scenario or as bad as the worst case but over time it will approach and get closer to that scenario. that is why we as the human race need to make a choice. And fast

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