
WOMEN and those in the traditionally feminine roles…

Are you finding that even when you are earning more and/or working more hours then your partner, you are still excpected to do all the cooking/cleaning/care tasks in your household? I work about 70 to 75 hours a week, my partner works about 40 give or take. I still do all the cleaning! When I bring it up, they are off.. they just want to relax, it's fine, the house is FINE. Then when they get home.. “something is musty in here. There is a smell!” Que room to room sniffing. It is really getting to me, i already work almost twice as much, primary earner, and yet.. every bit of the housework is my job too.

Are you finding that even when you are earning more and/or working more hours then your partner, you are still excpected to do all the cooking/cleaning/care tasks in your household?
I work about 70 to 75 hours a week, my partner works about 40 give or take. I still do all the cleaning! When I bring it up, they are off.. they just want to relax, it's fine, the house is FINE. Then when they get home.. “something is musty in here. There is a smell!” Que room to room sniffing.
It is really getting to me, i already work almost twice as much, primary earner, and yet.. every bit of the housework is my job too.

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