
Women need to stay home and raise the children so the children can work for us.

In light of a school levy that failed in my town recently, there is talk of shutting down most of the elementary schools people in our town don't want to pay taxes to fund evil public schools. My town is full of really conservative people. The kind of people that think a woman's place is in the home and that public school is evil. So naturally, the solution is to force the moms to quit their jobs to home school their kids because most of us can't afford the private church schools. Which will create an even bigger labor shortage in our area, which will force wages to go up. So naturally, employers will try to hire 12 year olds to fill those vacant positions. ​ I'm being extreme and taking things to their most ridiculous conclusion but…some of this shit is actually happening.

In light of a school levy that failed in my town recently, there is talk of shutting down most of the elementary schools people in our town don't want to pay taxes to fund evil public schools.

My town is full of really conservative people. The kind of people that think a woman's place is in the home and that public school is evil.

So naturally, the solution is to force the moms to quit their jobs to home school their kids because most of us can't afford the private church schools.

Which will create an even bigger labor shortage in our area, which will force wages to go up.

So naturally, employers will try to hire 12 year olds to fill those vacant positions.


I'm being extreme and taking things to their most ridiculous conclusion but…some of this shit is actually happening.

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